ARN el navegante



ARN el navegante ¡Las Historias de la Tierra Incontable dan el salto al cómic!

Para narrar la azarosa existencia de Arn, el Navegante, un humano que fue capaz de perseguir sus sueños y de convertirlos en realidad, más allá de los límites y las distancias de la inabarcable Nayrda, y más allá de las diferencias entre las criaturas que la habitan.

 “-¿Cómo es posible? -Leazah de los Nayl suspiró profundamente, evocando un recuerdo que parecía lejano-. ¿Cómo es posible que lo hayáis olvidado? Los elfos le veneran casi como a uno de sus iguales, y vosotros lo habéis desterrado a las leyendas y los cuentos… Y nunca, jamás, ha habido otro de vuestra especie que haya hecho tanto por vosotros, humano.”


I have read ARN el navigador and I liked the narration, as well as the message that is to be conveyed at the end. However, I have some reservations. Women are very sexualized and the part where I almost stopped reading was when the pirates rape a girl. For me, the violence in this scene doesn’t add anything to the plot, it’s just gratuitous. This illustrated novel is not for me, I don’t like seeing half-naked women all the time. I haven’t read anything else by the author, but I don’t rule out reading any of his novels in the future.


I have read ARN el navegante and I liked the narration, as well as the message that is to be conveyed at the end. However, I have some reservations. Women are very sexualized and the part where I almost stopped reading was when the pirates rape a girl. For me, the violence in this scene doesn’t add anything to the plot, it’s just gratuitous. This illustrated novel is not for me, I don’t like seeing half-naked women all the time. I haven’t read anything else by the author, but I don’t rule out reading any of his novels in the future.

// Author: Házael González
// Editorial: Dolmen Editorial

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